
Welcome to SmartyHome.io! This is a personal blog exploring my journey with home automation technology. I write how-to guides, analysis of industry activity, product opinions/reviews, and generally just share what I’m up to and what I see that’s cool in the world of home automation tech. I want to hear from you about subjects to cover — please drop me a line.

Personal background

I’m a tech-savvy DIYer with a young family living in the midwest. I have a background in software development; my wife, on the other hand, is not as technically inclined so I have to make sure all this stuff works well for her — or I’ll hear about it. I’m the guy who does tech support for family members, whom all my friends check in with when they want to buy a new TV/phone/gadget, and I never tire of having fun projects around the house. Messing around with home tech is one of the ways I keep sharp on certain trends.

Product linking and monetization policies

Regarding monetization and products, I believe that someone discussing products in a way that influences your buying decisions needs to be totally transparent about how they acquire those products and what financial interest they have in your purchase of those products. To that end, here are my practices and policies:

  1. Links to products will sometimes be affiliate links which help me earn a few bucks to pay for the site’s hosting, and for buying products that I experiment with or review. I would deeply appreciate if you use those links if you decide to buy a product I cover.
  2. If I accept a product for free to review (whether I keep it or send it back), I will clearly disclose that in the post.
  3. All the content on this site is reflective of my own opinion and no one else’s unless otherwise noted. I do not claim to be an objective tech journalist with wide industry access; I can only write based on my own experiences.

Send suggestions!

Lastly, I always like to hear from readers, and I need YOUR ideas to decide which of the endless topics to cover next — so send me a note, message me on social media, or leave a comment on a post if you have some suggestions or questions!

Thanks for visiting!


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